Thursday, September 16, 2010

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I just finished the Half-Blood Prince and am slightly filled with awe...
Let's start away from my two main points (which shall be saved for last). So, first, RON AND HERMOiNE. So cute. I always knew they would look adorable together. Ron and Lavender? Disgusting. That part in the book bugged like nothing else... And then, Ginny and Harry <3 Cutest things in the world!! Though, I was kinda mad at Ginny, ALL the boys she dated? Haha, WOWZA. TONKS AND REMUS. I was actually kinda mad...I never saw that coming... Not that it's a terrible thing, but I was thinking Tonks was all sad over her uncle's death when in reality she was just obsessing over a guy... A guy much older than her, I feel I must mention. What kinda pairing is that? So random...
And of course, the couple getting married, BiLL AND FLEUR. I was getting kind of annoyed with Fleur at first, though I had always liked her, from the moment she was chosen for the Tri-Wiz. But at the end, when she comes in and says that she's "good-looking enough for both of [them]" I have to say, I was quite satisfied in her love for him. I always thought they had just fallen in love with each other's looks... Poor Bill, by the way. I really liked him... Now he's a mutilated half-werewolf. I wonder what Umbridge would thinkk of him, a half-half-human.....Heheh xD

And poor Hagrid, lost all three of his favorite students because they didn't want to continue his classes... And then he lost Aragog...poor thing.
Is it quite possible for the Dursley's to become any MORE annoying? I thinkk not >.<
Haha, and then there's Slughorn. I thought he was going to be quite intersting with that special memory of his, but...Well, not really. Slughorn was basically just a loser who liked knowing people in high places, and all he did was tell Tom what he knew about horcruxes, it wasnt as though he had actually HELPED Tom do anything about it... And, talking about horcruxes, wowza...We finally know how Voldemort became immortal! So, the diary's out, the ring's out, and the locket's missing...Who in this world is R.A.B.? And why did he//she cause Dumbledore to get so weak he wasn't able to defend himself properly afterwards?
Yeahh, if Dumblydorr hadn't been so weakened he could have taken on all those Death Eaters and more...

"I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you."

If there's one thing I'm reallyy going to miss, it's Dumbledore. Maan, I actually cried for this guy. He was so amazing, and well, didn't deserve to die (;
And I'm going to murder Snape.... I kept faith in Severus every bit as much as Dumbledore. I didn't lose hope when he spoke with Narcissa and Bellatrix, I didn't lose hope when made the Unbreakable Vow, I didn't lose hope when he was always with Draco, obviously helping him, I didn't lose hope when he did so many mean things to Harry. But when uttered the words "Avada Kedavra" well, I lost it. I was soo ready to read 'suddenly he swung the wand at the last second and pointed it at Greyback' or the siblings, or the fourth wizard. But no. He didn't swing it away. He killed Dumbledore. Though, there's one more thing I wonder about... When Snape comes onto the ramparts, everyone expects to finally see his true colors, but it seems Dumbledore had already seen them... " 'Severus...' [...] For the first time, Dumbledore was pleading [...] 'Severus ... please...' ". So, Dumblydorr knew... But WHAT exactly did he know?

Wow... And then, Rosmerta was under the Imperius curse? She gave Katie the necklace and kept Draco informed? Didn't see that at all...
OH. And when Harry is dueling Snape at the end, my gosh, why'd Rowling have him trying to say the Unforgivable Curse, Crucio? I thought it woulda been much more of a strong point if it had been SNAPE to utter it instead.... But, that's just my opinion. Speaking of Snape and curses, SNAPE was the Half-Blood Prince?? I was so sure it was Voldemort.... Now I want to know more about Snape's history...

And NOW, McGonagall is headmistress? Thats such a strange thought... McGonagall, running the school? And, I wonder if Slughorn is going to continue teaching, because if he leaves, they'll be in need of a new Potions, Defense, AND Transfiguration teacher.... Plus new heads for Gryffindor and Slytherin. Well, maybe they just won't reopen the school... I sure hope they do, though (:

Well, all I can say is, Dumbledore will be greatly missed by us all...[,:


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