Monday, September 13, 2010

Code Geass :: Lelouch of the Rebellion {{Lelouch}}

So, second blog entry (: This one's about Lelouch Lamperouge of Code Geass, my all time favorite anime ;] I'm going to do one for some of my favorite characters.

Lelouch Lamperouge, or Lelouch vi Britannia, son of Lady Marianne and Emperor Charles di Brittania, and brother of Nunnally vi Brittania.
I have to say, this guy is siriusly one very ah-mazing person. I mean, the way he gets the world's hate completely focused on himself so that after he was gone, the world would be able to focus on righting itself instead? Simply amazing.
I also love how much he cared for his friends. The thing that touched was how he tells Millie, Rivalz, and Shirley that they WOULD launch rockets together {when he says those three and then imagines Nunnally, Rolo, Nina, Kallen, and Suzaku standing with them} and later on, in the picture dramas, he had asked Jeremiah to set them off, when it was Millie, Rivalz, Kallen, Gino, Nunnally, Suzaku (as Zero), and Nina. Only poor Rolo and and Shirley were missing, and Millie says that they are watching from above. And then Suzaku asks whether Lelouch is also watching... That just touched me.
And then the entire Zero Requiem thing was just so epic. I have to say, I had great fun watching that whole thing unfold, from the time when Suzaku was Lelouch's sword and CC his shield, to the moment Suzaku's sword stabs Lelouch in the end. And Suzaku taking Lelouch's place as Zero was pretty awesome, too.

I felt so terribly sad for Nunnally though, poor thing. She cared soo deeply for her onii-sama.
Poor thing... I wish he woulda told her at least that he was going to live...Yep, I DO believe he's still out there, driving a carriage with CC. Though, I'm not all that obssessive with proving this point, or looking into everything they've given out that should suggest he's still alive. I just see one thing that gives his plan away. The simple fact that when Suzaku shows up in the Zero costume and tries to get past Geremiah, he hardly tries to fight him, and as Suzaku jumps over his head, Jeremiah utters the words "Onwards, masked knight!" His loyalty to Lelouch would never have kept him from protecting his king. He also isn't extremely devastated afterwards, now is he? Yep, Lelouch is alive and well, living out the rest of his immortal life with CC [:

And is it not simply genius how he ends out ruling the ENTiRE world? I mean, he was emperor of Brittania, so he head that, the Chinese Federation and EU had already joined together under the United Federation of Nations, and he tookk over that, and he basically had control over Japan, as well. I don't thinkk anyone had ever done that before, ruled over the entire world... Not with the full support of his people, but that wasnn't really the point of his dictatorship, now was it? Haha...

And can we also take a moment to look at his Zero costume and Zero in general?
Well, Zero's costume is one pretty epic thing, you've got to admit (: I love the scene when Arthur {I love that kitty} runs off with the Zero maskk and the entire school is trying to get it...Haha. And then, Zero's character. He's siriusly amazing. I love the way he knows everythingthing and has a countermove for every possible possibility. The only match he ever had was Li Xingke (that epic chinese guy [; )

Zero: "You've earned your victory, Xingke. I should have killed you first. You're as good a tactician as I am, and as strong a warrior as Suzaku. One could say that the heavens blessed you twice."
Zhou Xianglin: "Yes, but the heavens didn't give him enough time to live."

Oh, I love Li... But, this one's not about him, so, moving on...(;
Haha, well, I have to say, I also love when Lelouch (as Zero) plays chess against Shneizel! I mean, what they were gambling? Wowza... Shneizel was ready to give up Suzaku, and Lelouch to reveal himself, but only because they both thought they were sure to win! Haha ... "If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" ~Lelouch~ ...I love that... Heheh, well, thenwe also have to look into his relationships with his different siblings, of course.

He was so cute with Euphemia (one of my all time faves....). When he has to kill her...Wow, that was intense... "You were the first girl I ever loved..." ~Lelouch~ I felt so bad for poor Euphie...She was such a sweet little girl and Lelouch completely cursed her with the geass he gave her....I mean, killing the Japanese people she herself had brought in peace? Harsh.

And then, Cornelia. I doubt Lelouch and she were ever all that close, but they must have been, what, with how close he was to Euphie.... Anyways, he never did quite like Cornelia, though, now did he? He was quite prepared to kill her...
And Clovis...Hmm, I doubt they were at all close, since he didn't thinkk twice before pressing the trigger there, did he? xD
And then of course, the notorious Shneizel...Haha, *hatred* Lelouch just reallyy wanted to kickk Shenizel's butt at chess xP
--I don't mention Oddyseus or the two sisters because they're hardly important...--

And then we've got Lelou's relationship with dear, sweet Rolo. I don't really thinkk that brat's sweet. The monster tried to kill Nunnally for crying out loud! Though, I must admit that his death was rather touching... He was willing to give his life to save Lelou, believing Lelouch had lied about everything, even hating on Rolo himself... Poor kid, assassin from childhood, all he really wanted was a family and Lelouch was the closest thing he had, and Lelouch, well, tryied more than once to kill the mangy bratt...

And of course, we have Lelouch's love//friendship with Kallen Kozuki. Kallen and Lelouch would have been so cute together...Though I'm still a Lelou//CC fan. Kallen worked so hard for the Black Knights, for Zero specifically, for everything that was JAPANESE. And she was one amazing gal. Ace pilot of the Black Knights...Oi, pretty awesome, but I suppose Lelouch doesn't go for anyone under 'immortal' status, does he?

Haha, which brings us to Lelou//CC (: One of my favorite parings of the entire show... I'm so glad he gets to go off and live with her forever in the end. Though I do still feel for poor old Kallen who worked so hard for him... But, then again, CC was pretty amazing. She gave him his power, backed him through it all, and even backed out of her deal with Charles so that lelouch would be able to send her off with a smile on her face when the time came (: I love those two...

Well, I thinkk that concludes my little thing on Lelouch!!

{credit where credit is deserved}


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